Data Safety for Business

Data Safety for Business

Cyber attacks and data breaches can cause serious disruptions to business operations, both internally and externally. They can cause the loss of revenue due to unhappy customers, legal action from regulatory agencies, and reputational damage. It is crucial to keep in mind that many of these threats are preventable with the proper security measures.

To ensure the More Help security of the data they store, companies must abide by certain laws and regulations. These laws and regulations could be specific to a particular area, like GDPR in the EU, or to specific industries, such as HIPAA in America. But they must exist no matter the size or scope of a company’s activities.

These rules and regulations often include things like encrypting sensitive data sent via public networks, ensuring the security of employees by examining references or conducting background checks on prospective employees and only capturing data that is essential to business processes. These rules and regulations often require encryption on devices such as laptops and portable storage. They might even include policies that prohibit the use of any software not approved by the company, since this increases the chance of malware and data breaches.

Moreover, companies must understand the complete lifecycle of data as well as how it moves through the network. This can be accomplished by using the data map, which can show how data came to the company as well as where it’s currently located and who has access to it. Data should only be collected for use in operations, and should not be kept longer than what is needed. This helps reduce the risk of data security breaches. Zero Trust architecture could be a useful method for companies to fight cybersecurity, as it enforces a premise that states you should never consider a device or user until they are checked.

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